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COVID-19 has kept most of us from traveling over the past year, and I’ll be the first to admit that there’s no real substitute for visiting a foreign country and experiencing what it’s like to be totally immersed and surrounded by different languages, foods, and cultures. But during this period when travel hasn’t really been possible, exploring places closer to home has given me a greater appreciation for all the fascinating and undiscovered adventures it’s possible to have right in my own backyard.
Today’s episode is about one of those adventures I went on recently, which began in a park not far from my house.
photo by Schneur Werde
Along with about a dozen other suburban explorers, I went on an expedition along Toney’s Brook, this little stream that runs through the town of Montclair, near where I live.
Now before you think this is just an ordinary nature hike, let me set the scene. My home state of New Jersey is the most densely-populated state in U.S., and land around here is incredibly valuable. So as there’s been more and more development over the years, town engineers made the unfortunate decision to bury much of Toney’s Brook underground.
photo by Schneur Werde
photo by Schneur Werde
Today, if you drive around town, you’ll occasionally see places where it peaks up its head, like in a park. But you really need to look for it. For the most part, it’s just not a place that I or most other people I know ever really think about.
Now, we were going to explore the brook, tunnels and all.
(video taken pre-pandemic during the 2019 Toney’s Brook walk)
The brook runs through the middle of a residential neighborhood, so it’s not exactly the sort of place you’d imagine going to to embark on an adventure, but sometimes the most interesting things are found in the places you least expect.
Check out my latest episode and come along for the adventure!
Are there places near where you live that you’ve discovered for the first time during the pandemic, or for which you now have a renewed appreciation? If so, I’d love to hear about them! Please drop me a line.
The walk along Toney’s Brook took place as part of Montclair Design Week, which happens every October. If you live in the New York / New Jersey area (or know someone who does) and want to attend next year’s annual brook walk, you can follow Design Week’s parent organization, Design Shed, on Instagram or Facebook or on their website.
Until next time, thanks for listening!
photo by Drew Gurian